Our Consultants
From a theological and historical perspective, we receive expert advice from outstanding specialists. Thus our film content is of fundamental competence. Further references are consulted on a subject-specific basis.
Burton Buller
Mennonite filmmaker in the United States
As a filmmaker who focuses on groups of people with an Anabaptist heritage, I look forward to interpreting the role of Anabaptist thought and practice in today's world as we approach the 500th anniversary of Anabaptism.
Hajo W. Hajonides
Director: IMSC, International Menno Simons Center NL
It is my passion to connect Mennonites in Europe. Therefore I have worked on various (international) projects, such as the opening presentation during the Mennonite European Regional Conference (EMC 2018).
John D. Roth
Director: Mennonite Historical Library Goshen
The Anabaptist Movement emerged in a time of great changes in communication technology. I am pleased that this project is moving forward as we anticipate the 500-year commemoration of Anabaptist beginnings!
Astrid von Schlachta
scientific consulting, networking historian, editorial office
As a historian, Anabaptism is very close to my heart. In my function as the 1st chairperson of the association "500 Years Anabaptist Movement 2025 e.v. the realization of the theme years in various films is of great importance to me.
Joshua T. Searle
Director: Postgraduate Studies, Spurgeon's College, London
Director: Postgraduate Studies, Spurgeon's College, London
I am a Trustee of the UK Anabaptist Mennonite Network and the author of several books and articles on the public significance of Christian faith. I strongly commend the filmteam for their endeavours to tell the remarkable stories of the global Mennonite community.